King of Cups. The Fairy Lights Tarot.

Posted: 08.05.2014 in Uncategorized
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Tarot of the  Fairy Lights/ Таро сверкающих фей.

Tarot of the Fairy Lights/
Таро сверкающих фей.

A king then — naked. His emotions far from happy.

— «Honey, what’s wrong? Why are you so upset?»

Why people have left him? May be they robbed him and left him only thin worn old clothes to cover shame.

King doesn’t not drink old wine from the aincient goblet, doesn’t show his power, doesn’t rule the country He is thinking about terrible life…His hand helds a wand of Hermit or a wand of wander…

Time to go? But he is not sure to go or not go. And where to go? That’s a problem.

May be that’s the story about

King Lear?

The story was in ancient Britain, where the elderly King was deciding to give up his power and divide his realm amongst his three daughters, Cordelia, Regan, and Goneril. Lear’s plan was to give the largest piece of his kingdom to the child who professes to love him the most, certain that his favorite daughter, Cordelia, would won the challenge.

Goneril and Regan, corrupt and deceitful, lie to their father with sappy and excessive declarations of affection. Cordelia, however, refuses to engage in Lear’s game, and replies simply that she loves him as a daughter should. Her lackluster words, despite its sincerity, enrages Lear, and he disowns Cordelia completely.


descends into madness after disposing of his estate between two of his three daughters based on their flattery, bringing tragic consequences for all.

That’s why the old king on the card is very unhappy.He’s lost everything he had. Absolutly everything.

May be next time, looking at this card, I’ll thing about another story

…life is unpredictable.

=========================  in Russian======================


тот, кто имеет контроль над своими эмоциями и не позволяют зверю внутри него освободиться

А, король, то — голый. Эмоции не радостные. Прямо, как в присказке

«Что, ж, ты, молодец, не весел, что ты голову повесил?

Все тебя покинули? Обворовали?  Оставили из одежды только тонкую простынку прикрыть стыд,…..Еще пословица на тему: «Гол, как сокол. »

Король не пьет вино и не радуетя жизни… Вместо кубка, в руке посох странника….

Может не стоит так долго контролировать свои эмоции. Может, отпустить зверя…. спустить собаку …. И, вновь обрести силу и власть Короля

О чем может говорить карта? …… Подумай хорошенько, прежде чем принять серьезное решение. 

 Семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь. ( Русская пословица)

                                                                                 Король Лир. Сцена из спектакля. 

Сцена из спектакля » Король Лир»



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